Miracles of Heaven
Miracles Of Heaven
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take
up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the
Gospel will save it.

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his life?"
(Mark 8.34-36)

This quote by Jesus sums up his message simply by
virtue of its closing phrase, which gets cited for
any circumstance in which someone has
traded their own humanity and values
to gain something of only
temporary worth and

Unexplained Photos
Shrine Miracles
The Angel Photo
Cross of the Passion
Jesus Photo
Jesus Resurrected
Blessed Mother
The Gateway to Heaven
End Times Photo
Photos-Beautiful Beads
Photos - Anomalies
Why Pray The Rosary?
Saying The Rosary
Daily Prayers
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Unexplained Photos

The Story of these Pictures

The pictures to follow are of many unexplained events which occured in the same area of the Aura's and Angel. The bright forms of light are physical in nature. They are seen by animals, which show they are visible to the eye, not just the camera. These are not Orbs. There are also some others that are difficult to explain. These are not the same type as the very bright light forms, but more closely resemble Orbs. Many of these have faces developing within the masses, they are usually green in nature. The final picture is one of the most impressive, it is the last picture of the year. There are a number of flying things as well, you will notice they are all luminous. There are many more pictures to add, so keep checking back in. We now have a zoom tool for you to use, simply scroll your cursor over the area you want to enlarge. Enjoy.

End Of Times
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